Wednesday, 26 September 2012

3. JDeveloper Setup for OA Framework

1) Download JDeveloper for OA Framework
  • Login to oracle apps and open any HTML form. 
  • Click on 'About this Page' --> 'Technology Components' tab.
  • Note the OA Framework version as shown below: 

  • Go to Metalink Note 416708.1 and download the right JDeveloper patch. (for example, for 12.1.3, JDeveloper patch 9879989 is used). The correct version has BC4J, MDS and FND libraries matching with libraries deployed on the server.
  • Suppose downloaded file is So extract this file to D:\JDEV\1213. This will create 3 directories: jdevbin, jdevdoc and jdevhome.

2) JDEV_USER_HOME Environment Variable
Create a new user variable named JDEV_USER_HOME, and a variable value that points to <install directory>\jdevhome\jdev
e.g., D:\JDEV\1213\jdevhome\jdev.

3) Obtain FND .dbc file

Login to unix box and go to $FND_SECURE directory and locate the latest .dbc file. It contains information required to establish a DB connection to Oracle apps. Copy this file to <JDEV_USER_HOME>\dbc_files\secure.

4) Starting JDev and connecting to oracle database
  • Start Jdeveloper from jdevbin\jdev\bin\jdevW.exe. Also create desktop shortcut for the same.
  • Expand the connection node in system navigator, right-click on the Database node and select New Connection. It is a 4 steps process in which we have to provide DB details such as connection name, apps username & password, host name, JDBC port and service name. After entering all the details test the connection.

5) Running a page for testing:
Open  <JDEV_USER_HOME>\myprojects\toolbox.jws to configure the tutorial project. Right click on Tutorial project --> Project Properties --> Runtime Connection.
When running a page from JDeveloper, we are not provided with list of responsibilities or asked to enter FND username and password. Running a page form JDev is simply right-click a page and Run. So details of FND username, password and responsibility are entered in project properties. As shown below, enter a valid FND username and password and that user must have access to the mentioned responsibility. Also browse to .dbc file we saved in step3:

Expand tutorial project and run HelloWorldPG.xml as shown below:

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