In my earlier post on JSP Custom Tags, we created our own tags. Similarly in the past, most JSP authors came across wide range of custom functionality and created custom tags for some general purpose functionality (so that these can be reused for all future products).
JSTL is a collection of such custom tag libraries that implement general-purpose functionality common to Web applications, including iteration, manipulation of XML, database access and many more. The main purpose for developing JSTL is “scriptlet free JSP”.
JSTL itself is actually composed of four separate tag libraries:
1) EL version - Using this version of libraries, we can specify attribute values of JSTL tags using EL. For using this in JSP, we have to provide below URIs and prefix in taglib directive:
Core - - Prefix: c
SQL - - Prefix: sql
Internationalization - - Prefix: fmt
XML - - Prefix: x
JSTL is a collection of such custom tag libraries that implement general-purpose functionality common to Web applications, including iteration, manipulation of XML, database access and many more. The main purpose for developing JSTL is “scriptlet free JSP”.
JSTL itself is actually composed of four separate tag libraries:
- Core: contains tags for conditions, control flow and to access variables etc.
- XML manipulation: contains tags for XML parsing and processing.
- SQL: contains tags for accessing and working with database.
- Internationalization and formatting: contains tags to support locale messages, text, numbers and date formation.
1) EL version - Using this version of libraries, we can specify attribute values of JSTL tags using EL. For using this in JSP, we have to provide below URIs and prefix in taglib directive:
Core - - Prefix: c
SQL - - Prefix: sql
Internationalization - - Prefix: fmt
XML - - Prefix: x
2) Request Time Version - Using this version of libraries, we cannot use EL and can only specify attribute values of JSTL tags using JSP expressions (<%=expression%>). For using this in JSP, we just have to append '_rt' to URI as well as to the prefix.
For example, for using core tags, we have to specify below URI and prefix:
For example, for using core tags, we have to specify below URI and prefix:
Core - - Prefix: c_rt
Core Tags
Tags available in this library come are used for doing most of the things in our JSPs such as:
- Manipulation of
scoped variables
- Output
- Conditional logic
- loops
- URL manipulation
- Handling errors.
Below are some of the tags:
Provides a tag based mechanism for creating and setting scope based variables. Its syntax is as follows:
var=“name” scope = “scope” value = “expression” />
where, var attribute - name of the scoped variable
scope attribute - which scope (page|request|session|application) the variable resides in (default - page)
value attribute - value to be bound to the variable.
If the specified variable already exists, it will simply be assigned the indicated value. If not, a new scoped variable is created and initialized to that value.
This tag simply displays the value of an expression, rather than storing it.
value = “expression” default = “expression” />
tag evaluates the expression specified by its value attribute, and then prints
the result.
If the optional default attribute is specified, the c:out action will print its (default) value if the value attribute's expression evaluates either to null or an empty String.
For example, if request parameter num evaluates to null or an empty string then default value “0” would be displayed:
If the optional default attribute is specified, the c:out action will print its (default) value if the value attribute's expression evaluates either to null or an empty String.
For example, if request parameter num evaluates to null or an empty string then default value “0” would be displayed:
value = “${param.num}” default = “0” />
This above code is equivalent to following scriptlet:
String no =
if (no ==
null || no.equals(“”)) {
The c:remove action is used to delete a scoped variable, and
takes two attributes. The var attribute names the variable to be removed, and
the optional scope attribute indicates the scope from which it should be
removed. For example if variable 'name' is required to be
removed from request scope, then c:remove tag will look like:
var = “email” scope = “request” />
We have to use iteration to fetch and display collections of data, mostly in the form of sequence of rows in tables. JSTL action for implementing iterative content is c:forEach tag. This tag supports two different styles of iteration:
1) Iteration over an Integer
To iterate over a range of
integers, syntax of the c:forEach tag will look like:
<c:forEach var=“name”
begin=“expression” end=“expression” step=“expression” >
The begin and end attributes
should be either constant integer values or expressions evaluating to integer
values. They specify the initial value and final value for the iteration, respectively.
step attribute specifies the amount to be added to the index after each
iteration. If the step
attribute is omitted, the step size defaults to 1.
For example to generate squares corresponding to range of integer values, the c:forEach tag will be used as:
For example to generate squares corresponding to range of integer values, the c:forEach tag will be used as:
<c:forEach var=“x”
begin=“0” end=“10” step=“2” >
<c:out value=“${x * x}”
Output: 4 16 36 64
2) Iteration over a Collection:
When iterating over the
members of a collection and arrays etc, one additional attribute of the
c:forEach tag is used: the 'items' attribute. Now the c:forEach tag will look like this:
<c:forEach var=“name”
items=“expression” >
value of the items attribute should be the collection/array over whose members
the iteration is to occur, and is typically specified using an EL expression.
For example, to iterate over a String array using java code, we would write in JSP:
For example, to iterate over a String array using java code, we would write in JSP:
for(int i=0;
i<messages.length; i++) {
String msg = messages[i];
<%= msg %>
} // end for
In a much simpler way, using
c:forEach tag we can write:
<c:forEach var=“msg”
items=“${messages}” >
<c:out value= “${msg}”
This tag is used to conditionally process the body content. It simply evaluates a single test expression and then processes its body content only if that expression evaluates to true. If not, the tag's body content is ignored. The syntax for writing c:if tag is:
<c:if test= “expression”
For example, to display a
message “These are equal” if two strings 'str1' & 'str2' are equal, the c:if tag is used
<c:if test= “${str1 == str2}”
<h2> Theses are equal </h2>
c:choose tag is used in cases in which mutually exclusively test are required to determine what content should be displayed. The syntax is shown below:
<c:when test=
“expression” >
Body content
<c:otherwise >
Body content
Each condition to be tested
is represented by a corresponding <c:when> tag. If none of the <c:when> tests return true,
then the body content of the <c:otherwise> tag will be processed.
The example code given below illustrates the usage of c:choose tag in which two strings 'str1' & 'str2' are compared and appropriate messages are displayed:
The example code given below illustrates the usage of c:choose tag in which two strings 'str1' & 'str2' are compared and appropriate messages are displayed:
<c:when test= “str1 == str2”
<h2> These are equal</h2>
<c:when test= “str1 <= str2”
<h2> str1 is less than str2</h2>
<c:otherwise >
<h2> Don’t know the result </h2>
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