A graphical user interface
is a visual interface to a program.
JButton button = new JButton ( );
After creating all components, the next task is to add these components into the component area of our JFrame (i.e ContentPane). For this we have to use add method of the Container and pass it the component to be added.
The following line of code is used to exit the program on closing the window:
If we run our program without this line, the desired GUI would be displayed. However if we close the window by using (X) button on top left corner of window, we’ll notice that the control doesn’t return back to command prompt. The reason for this is that the java process is still running. However on putting this line, when we exit our prompt will return.
GUIs are built from GUI components
(buttons, menus, labels etc). A GUI component is an object with which the user
interacts via the mouse or keyboard. Together, the appearance and how user
interacts with the program are known as the program look and feel.
Support for GUI in Java
The classes
that are used
to create GUI
components are part
of the “java.awt”
or “javax.swing” package. Both these packages provide rich set of user
interface components.
The classes present in the
awt and swing packages can be classified into two broad categories. GUI classes
& Non-GUI Support classes:
GUI classes are
visible and user can interact with them. Examples of these are JButton, JFrame
& JRadioButton etc.
Non-GUI support classes provide services and
perform necessary functions for GUI classes. They do not produce any visual
output. Examples of these classes are Layout managers & Event handling
classes etc.
java.awt package
AWT stands for “Abstract
Windowing Toolkit “contains original GUI components that came with the first
release of JDK. These components are
tied directly to the local platform’s (Windows, Linux, MAC etc) graphical user
interface capabilities. Thus results in a java program executing on different platforms (windows, Linux, Solaris etc) has a different appearance and
sometimes even different user interaction on each platform.
AWT components are
often called Heavy Weight Components (HWC) as they rely on the local platform’s
windowing system to determine their functionality and their look and feel.
Every time we create an AWT component it creates a corresponding process on the
operating system.
javax.swing package
These are new GUI
components. Swing components are written, manipulated and displayed completely
in java, therefore these are pure java components. The swing components allow
the programmer to specify a uniform look and feel across all platforms.
Steps for GUI Creation
1) import required packages
import java.awt.* and/or
javax.swing.* package.
2) Setup the top level
A container is a collection
of related components, which allows other components to be nested inside it. Two important methods of container class are add and setLayout.
The add method
is used for adding components to the content pane while setLayout method is
used to specify the layout manager. Containers are classified into two broad
categories that are Top Level containers and General Purpose Containers.
Top level
containers can contain other containers
as well as
basic components (buttons, labels
etc) while general
purpose containers are typically
used to collect
basic components and
are added to
top level containers. General
purpose containers cannot exist alone they must be added to top level
containers. Examples of top level container are
JFrame, Dialog and
Applet etc. Examples of general
purpose container are JPanel, Toolbar and ScrollPane etc.
So, here we will take a top level
container and create its instance.
Consider the following code of line if
JFrame is selected as a top level container:
frame = new JFrame();
3) Get the component area of
the top level container
From the above figure we can say that JFrame is a frame is a window. So, it can be
interpreted as JFrame is a window. Every window has two areas - System Area
& Component Area. We cannot add/remove components to the System
Area. The Component Area is a workable place for us. Components can be added/removed in this area.
So, to add components,
component area of the JFrame is required. It can be done by the following
code of line:
con = frame.getContentPane();
4) Apply layout to component
The layout (size, position etc, how they appear) of components in a container is usually governed
by Layout Managers. The layout manager is responsible for deciding the layout
policy and size of its components added to the container. To set the layout, we use setLayout method and pass object of layout manager as an argument.
new FlowLayout( ) );
5) Create and Add components
Now we can create required components
by calling their constructor.
JButton button = new JButton ( );
After creating all components, the next task is to add these components into the component area of our JFrame (i.e ContentPane). For this we have to use add method of the Container and pass it the component to be added.
The following line of code is used to exit the program on closing the window:
If we run our program without this line, the desired GUI would be displayed. However if we close the window by using (X) button on top left corner of window, we’ll notice that the control doesn’t return back to command prompt. The reason for this is that the java process is still running. However on putting this line, when we exit our prompt will return.
6) Set size of frame and make
it visible
A frame must be made visible
via a call to setVisible(true) and its size defined via a call setSize(rows in pixel,
columns in pixel) to be displayed on the screen. (By default, all JFrame’s are
frame.setSize(200, 300);
Layout Managers
Layout Managers are used to form the appearance of GUI. They are concerned with the arrangement of components of GUI.
Layout Managers are used to form the appearance of GUI. They are concerned with the arrangement of components of GUI.
The appearance of the GUI also depends on the underlying
platform and to keep that same the responsibility of arranging layout is given
to the LayoutManagers, so they can provide the same look and feel across
different platforms. Commonly used layout managers are:- Flow Layout, Grid
Layout, Border Layout, Box Layout, Card Layout, GridBag Layout and so on.
Flow Layout
Flow Layout
Position components on line
by line basis. Each time a line is filled, a new line is started. The size of
the line depends upon the size of our frame. If we stretch the frame while program is running, GUI will be disturbed. Lets take an example:
JFrame myFrame = new JFrame(“Flow
Container c = myFrame.getContentPane();
new FlowLayout( ) );
JButton b1 = new JButton(“Next Slide”);
JButton b2 = new JButton(“Previous Slide”);
JButton b3 = new JButton(“Back to Start”);
JButton b4 =
new JButton(“Last Slide”);
JButton b5 =
new JButton(“Exit”);
Grid Layout
Splits the
panel/window into a grid (cells)
with given number
of rows and columns. Forces the
size of each
component to occupy
the whole cell.
Size of each component is same. Components are added row wise.
When all the columns of the first row are get filled the components are then added to the next row. Only one component can be added into each cell.
Size of each component is same. Components are added row wise.
When all the columns of the first row are get filled the components are then added to the next row. Only one component can be added into each cell.
Divides the area into five
regions. North, South, East, West and Center. Components are added to the
specified region. If any region not filled, the filled regions will occupy the space but the center region will still appear as
background if it contains no component. Only one component can be added into
each region.
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